How We Work
The association works in a phased manner:
- An issue is identified by the Sect. ACFI / ACFI Member.
- The issue is highlighted among all Members.
- The Special Interest Group(SIG) works on the issue and finalizes the working draft..
- The working draft is shared with the ACFI Members/Governing Council for approval..
The following committees had been established for the smooth functioning of Society
- Technical and Regulatory Committee
- Policy Committee
- Secretariate Committee
- Kisan Kalyan Committee
Aims & Objectives
To work as an Interface between Government, Industry & farming community on the Policy matters for the betterment of the Indian Farming Sector.
Harmonization in matters pertaining to relevant legislation and policies framed for the benefit of the overall Agro-based Industry including the agrochemical, fertilizer, seed, biopesticide, farm mechanization and other related sectors.
To highlight the concerns raised by the Indian Industry with respect to manufacturing, import& export of Plant Protection Chemicals.
Working towards the sustainability of Indian Agriculture and helping farmers to provide them with quality Agri-Inputs at affordable prices
ACFI Member Companies are committed to promote new technologies, practices and products which are eco-friendly and safe for public health.