Public Notice 22.06.2024 Minor Change in formulation
Public Notice Source of Import and List of Indigenous Manufacturers of Insecticides
Public notice 26-09-2024 Application of registration of Bio-pesticides application 9(3)
Public notice consideration of application for registration_of_bio-pesticide dated 09.02.24
Public notice dated 12.08.2024 Endorsement of change in name & address of source of import & extenstion validity
Public notice dated 13.05.2024
Public notice dated 13.06.2024 r status of implementation of KYC on CROP PORTAL
Public notice dated 23.09.2024 Crop grouping proposal for review
Public noticeated 26.09.2024 submission of samples at CIL
Public notice Priority in Scrutiny to New Molecules
Public notice RTT Dated 21.05.2024
Public Notice dated 21.05.2024 regarding Consideration of application for registration of bio-pesticide application 9(3) (uploaded on 21.05.2024).
Public Notice dated 21.05.2024 regarding updation of source of import and list of indigenous manufacturers of insecticides (uploaded on 24.05.2024)
Public Notice RTT (21.05.2024)
Public Notice dated 07.05.2024 regarding seeking comments and suggestions of the Stakeholders (uploaded on 08.05.2024)
Public Notice regarding Consideration of application for registration of biopesticide application 9(3)
Public Notice regarding Overhauling of the existing Know Your Company (KYC) requirement in the CROP portal for smooth interaction with IPMS.
Addendum to Annexure-II of Agenda Item No. 1.0 at Sl. No 7 of 412th RC (uploaded on 07.01.2020)
Compliance with Hon_ble Delhi High Court orders these report-documents on Glyphosate annexure (14) are uploaded (uploaded on 03.08.2020)
DAC&FW Order dated 14.10.2016 (uploaded on 10.08.2020)
Discontinuation of grant of registration of Bio-Pesticides for already registered strain under Section 9(3b) and subsequent extensions (uploaded on 28.04.2020)
Dr. Ranjit Roy Chaudhary Committe Report (uploaded on 10.08.2020)
dr.c.d. mayee committe report part-ii (uploaded on 10.08.2020)
dr. c. d. mayee_committe_report_part-iii (uploaded on 10.08.2020)
FRAC Code List-2019 (uploaded on 10.08.2020)
Implementation of New Gazette Notification for label and leaflet (GSR 782(E) dt. 14.10.19 and GSR 355(E) dt. 04.06.20) (uploaded on 23.06.2020)
Public Notice for Submission of 5 Years details of Manufacturer-Import-Export by the firms-stakeholders (uploaded on 7.1.2020)
Revised Annexure 4.1.1 of 421st RC (uploaded on 03.09.2020)
sub-committe_on_miscellaneous (14.01.2020)
Report of the Sub-Committee to review certain issues related to Registration of Pesticides (uploaded on 06.05.2020)
Request to provide details of the authorized person for supply of technical grade material (uploaded on 28.04.2020)
addendum to the list of labs permitted for import of pesticides samples (03.03.20)
Addendum to the Minutes of 426th RC Annexure 9.17 - Endorsement of alternate-additional Packaging 9(4) (uploaded on 12.03.2021)
Public Notice - One applicant- One account on CROP portal (uploaded on 12.02.2021)
Public notice dated 07.09.2021 for Inclusion of additional information under Know your company title (uploaded on 08.09.2021)
Public Notice dated 10.05.2021 regarding verification of consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications (10-05-21)
Public Notice dated 16.06.2021 regarding incorporation of condition in the label&leaflets by registrants holding CRs (uploaded on 17.06.2021)
Public Notice dated 24.05.2021 regarding harmonization of existing toxicological guidelines&protocols for registration of bio-pesticides in India (24-05-21)
Public Notice for Harmonization of existing toxicological guidelines & protocols for registration of bio-pesticides in India (uploaded on 25.03.2021)
Public notice for incorporation of condition in the CR and label&leaflets by registrants holding CRs of the formulations (uploaded on 16.07.2021)
Public notice for submission of samples by the 9(3) and 9(4) registrants (as per list enclosed) in CIL for NMR report (uploaded on 20.07.2021)
Public Notice for Verification of Consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications - 5th List(uploaded on 15.07.2021)
Public notice for Verification of consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications - 6th List (uploaded on 06.08.2021)
Public notice for Verification of consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications - 7th List (uploaded on 19.08.2021)
Public notice for Verification of consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications- 9th List (uploaded on 14.10.2021)
Public notice for Verification of consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications- 10th List (uploaded on 18.11.2021)
Public notice for Verification of consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications- 11th List (uploaded on 19.12.2021)
Public notice regarding submission of duly signed & stamped complete Form-I by applicants (uploaded on 22.10.2021)
Public notice regarding submission of export import code by the registrant (uploaded on 17.11.2021)
Public notice regarding submission of sample in CIL for NMR report i.r.o. 9(4) TIM CRs whose samples have not yet been submitted to CIL (uploaded on 28.12.2021)
Definition of non-crop area framed by sub committee constituted by DA&FW under Plant Protection Advisor (16.09.2022)
Guidelines for registrartion of insecticides under section 9(3B), 9(3), and 9(4) (14.09.2022)
Guidelines or data requirement for grant of registration under various categories (09.12.2022)
Inclusion of additional information under Know Your Company (7.11.2022)
Public notice issued by National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC) (14.09.2022)
Public Notice regarding Check list for Customs on Import of Pesticides (uploaded on 18.02.2022)
Public notice regarding Checklist for change of name and change of address of source of import in the country of origin (uploaded on 12.09.2022)
Public Notice regarding Consideration of the issue of patents in the Registration Committee meeting (uploaded on 24.01.2022)
Public notice regarding Guidelines for Registration of biopesticides along with consortium of Bio-pesticides (uploaded on 23.05.2022
Public notice regarding guidelines for registration of insecticides under Section 9(3b), 9(3) and 9(4) (uploaded on 16.09.2022)
Public Notice regarding requirement of technical consent in cases of 9(4) FIM (uploaded on 10.05.2022)
Public Notice regarding Violation of guidelines for submission of PRV sample to Central Insecticides Laboratory (CIL) (uploaded on 07.03.2022)
Public notice for Verification of consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications- 14th List (uploaded on 07.03.2022)
Public notice for Verification of consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications- 15th List (uploaded on 20.04.2022)
Interim approval for use of approved pesticide with drones for crop protection (18-04-22)
Public notice for Verification of consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications- 12th List (uploaded on 24.01.2022)
Public notice for Verification of consent from technical grade material provider in respect of 9(4) FIM applications- 13th List (uploaded on 18.02.2022)
Correction in colour of the toxicity triangle 9(4) (03-01-23)
Formulations under import-indegenous manufacturing with registration of Technical (4-05-23)
G.S.R. 140(E) DATED 24.2.23 Relating to the inscticide (First Amendment) Rule (18-04-23)
Guidelines for change in name of product (27-10-23)
Implementation of know your company (KYC) MODULE ON Crop Portal (06-1-23)
Implementation of know your company (KYC) MODULE ON Crop Portal (15-4-23)
Modalities for pre registration verification of technical grade for analysis in CIL- reg (20-02-23)
Provisional exemption from the requirement of submitting of notarized documents_affidavits during lock down due to COVID-19
Public Notice dated 25.07.2023 for Guidelines_Checklist for validity of extension of certificate of registration under Section 9(3) (uploaded on 22.08.2023)
Public notice for framing of the guidelines for change in the name of the product (uploaded on 27.10.2023)
Public notice for inviting comments of stakeholders on the draft guidelines for post harvest use of Ethephon (uploaded on 14.02.2022)
Public notice implementation of KYC on Crop Portal (24.07.2023)
Public notice in respect of Updating various Lists on the Website (uploaded on 15.06.2023)
Public notice regarding GSR 140(E) dated 24.02.2023 relating to the Insecticides (First Amendment) Rules, 2023 (uploaded on 20.04.2023)
Public Notice regarding Modalities for Pre-Registration verification of technical grade pesticides for analysis in CIL (uploaded on 21.02.2023)
Public notice regarding requesting the implementation of Insecticide Rules 1971 Chapter V packing and Labelling of Insecticides (uploaded on 02.05.2023)
Public_notice_ Implementation of Insecticides rules 1971 chapter V packaging & labelling of Insecticides dated 28.04.2023
Public notice closer of application of bio pesticides 24.07.2023)
Public notice implementation of KYC on Crop Portal 24.07.2023)
Public notice for guidelines checklist 25.07.2023)
Public notice Implementation of KYC ON CROP PORTAL (03.01.2024)
Request regarding implementation of insecticides rules (packaging & labeling) (28-4-23)
Resumption of the weekly meeting w.e.f. 20-01-2023 with Pesticide Industry representatives on the issues related to CIBRC (uploaded on 30.01.2023)